Working on Some Good Vibes
This week I was tasked in creating a static webpage for the Good Vibes mobile app where people could go and get a feel for the app and learn a little about it before acquiring the app. I searched through some Jekyll templates for landing pages and found one that was simple enough for a static webpage while also being easy to navigate and appealing to the eye. It was not too difficult of a task now that I was getting back into website design from Disco Tray Studios. As the app progresses and gets closer to deployment, more changes are going to be made to the webpage which is very exciting.
I was also tasked with acquiring more quotes for the Good Vibes app. The goal for now is 300 quotes. Right now we are at 167, so a little over halfway there. I had to make sure the quotes were from a collection of sources so that the quotes were not constrained to only being from a certain group of people. I also had to make sure the quotes were inclusive of all people and did not possibly leave anyone out.
I am still tasked with adding quotes to the app. However, after finishing the webpage (for now), I am now working on database security for the database that the app is currently utilizing. Good Vibes uses Firebase, a remote database set up by Google. Users are able to set rules for reading, writing, and other actions so that certain actions can only be performed as long as the rules are followed. This helps to keep the database secure so that malicious users do not exploit the database in a way where they can possibly retrieve information, ruin the app, or perform unwanted action within the app. I am currently reading the docs and security walkthroughs as I learn how to make the database secure.
I also got a new computer this past weekend so now I do not have to wait a billion years to open Android Studio :D .