Drei's Blog

Recent Posts

  • September 15, 2021

    Working on Some Good Vibes

    This week I was tasked in creating a static webpage for the Good Vibes mobile app where people could go and get a feel for the app and learn a little about it before acquiring the app. I searched through some Jekyll templates for landing pages and found one that was simple enough for a static webpage while also being easy to navigate and appealing to the eye. It was not too difficult of a task now that I was getting back into website design from Disco Tray Studios. As the app progresses and gets closer to deployment, more changes are going to be made to the webpage which is very exciting.

  • September 06, 2021

    First Week In

    The first two weeks working in Disco Tray Studios has already been a big learning experience. I was thrown into the works right away and had to refresh myself in Android Studio as well as learn about Flutter, HTML, CSS, and other aspects of coding. I was able to meet with community partners in order to inform and educate them about the process of working with the Web Systems and Databases class in order to create a website for the community partners. There were many good ideas that all seemed more than capable of becoming viable websites that Disco Tray Studios would be able to maintain.