Drei's Blog

Recent Posts

  • January 31, 2022

    Why Is HTML So Confusing

    This week I was tasked with fixing an issue conerning the screen size and how the current layout of the Hendrix Assessment website was not very user-friendly with smaller screens and mobile devices. I have not worked with HTML in a long time (over a year) so it is a good way to refresh my memory. Since Hendrix Assessment is also utilizing ASP.NET Core and Razor Pages, there are more details that I need to start learning about and reading up on so I can get a better grasp of what is going on. It is especially important that I learn how layouts interact with each other and how they are nested, rendered, and other actions.

  • January 25, 2022

    The New Year

    We are finally back to school after a month of winter break. This semester I am going to be busier with baseball season coming around as well as having two higher level computer science classes (Artificial Intelligence and Functional Programming). Since I am a senior, I will also have to start applying for internships and jobs, so the semester will be a challenge but it will be a time for growth. I am very excited not only to be back with Disco Tray Studios, but to be taking challenging courses to learn more and become more comfortable with deeper, complex ideas and applications in computer science.

  • November 10, 2021


    I was finally able to figure out the process of favoriting quotes. After around 4 weeks of re-learning SQL, understanding the connection to Firebase, and many hours trying to understand how the application worked, I was able to connect the local database and the Firebase database through favoriting. The process was much more convoluted than what I had originally imagined it to be but it was an adventure nonetheless. Figuring out the whole process of trying to create a new system of how users interacted with quotes was tough. The new system was that users were forced to make a decision when opening and reading a quote: share the quote with a random user, keep the quote by favoriting it, or remove the quote from the list of quotes. Though it seemed simple in retrospect, it was much more difficult.

  • November 03, 2021

    So Close Yet So Far

    Favoriting quotes is still a work in progress. The good news is that I am really close to getting it done. All I need to do is create functions for writing and querying data between the local database and the Firestore Firebase. I read through the application state over and over again and looked at the files in order to get a good understanding of the functionality of the databases within the application. With favoriting quotes, the local database will be used more often rather than just being the place that holds the good vibe and being used by Firebase to get the quote. Now it will actually have to be checked in case someone favorited the quote.

  • October 27, 2021

    Databases Are Hard

    This week was a struggle for me. I was tasked with adjusting the interaction that users have with quotes, now having to implement favoriting and removing quotes from the user’s list of quotes. Trying to understand the way that Firestore Firebase works inside of the application was quite difficult, with all of the different ways that the application state worked within the app. The local database was a little easier to understand but I am still quite unsure about how to actually interact with the database. Most of the week was to learn about the database interaction.