Drei's Blog

Fall Break

October 16, 2022 | 1 Minute Read

This past week was somewhat of a relaxing week since it was Fall break from Thursday to Sunday. I put off coding after Wednesday’s meeting and decided to focus on an essay which was due at the end of fall break, which is kind of wack but I still had a break from my other classes.

Currently working on connecting Firebase to Good Vibes static webpage using JavaScript. I was able to get a doughnut chart to appear at the top of the page with some random values so my next task will be connecting the values from Firebase into the chart and then formatting the chart to the best of my abilities to make it pretty and cool. Shouldn’t be too hard but the hardest part will most likely be connecting the values from the separate JavaScript file and hoping that the loading of scripts in the index file won’t cause too hard of a time for me. I also tried making the imports to the JavaScript files local through npm but it was too hard so I am sticking to using an API from a website. Also tried installing a linter for JavaScript but I don’t think I can.

Also working on the parser for CSV files. Trying to create a Map with a custom string for clients as the key and a hash map as another map to map column titles to values specific for the client. Also trying to figure out how to capitalize names, create the custom key, and update the database with the parsed data while making all of it abstract as possible since the files given to us have no specific formatting or standardization, which will take some creativity to get around. The file parser class is getting kinda dirty so I’ll have to do some tidying up after I’m finished. Wish me luck this week.